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Enochian Biosciences Is A House Of Cards – The Pipeline Is Entirely Pre-Clinical And Management Has A Questionable History

Enochian Biosciences (ENOB) is a pre-clinical stage biotech which purchased its HIV drug patents from Weird Science, LLC.

ENOB’s lead scientist and HIV patent inventor does not appear to have any biotech experience, was accused of identity theft, and plead guilty to commercial burglary in 2018.

ENOB’s lead scientist appears to have had another association with the partner of Weird Science, which further puts the patents’ validity into question.

ENOB is already behind schedule with its pre-clinical targets.

With no data and a questionable history, we conclude that ENOB should be valued at $10M, or $0.25 a share, at best.

Read the full report on Seeking Alpha here.